Common Symptoms of Sciatica

The sciatic nerve breaks off from the spine and travels down the entirety of the leg. Being the main conduit for control, sensory communication, motor function direction, and more, it's a critical part of the body's nervous system. However, when the sciatic nerve suffers some kind of injury or is irritated, it causes pain and can be debilitating. At South Lake Wellness & Injury Center in Clermont, FL, our chiropractor offers a variety of methods to provide pain relief from sciatica. It is important to understand the condition so you know when to seek treatment.

What to Look for with Sciatica

The most common symptoms in sciatica cases include:

  • Sharp pain: Sharp or ongoing lower back pain is common with sciatica. Because the top of the nerve is located in the lower back region and breaks off to the hip, pain sensations are common in the upper part with the lower back being a hot zone for discomfort.
  • Burning: A burning sensation in the back of the upper leg and calf is a common symptom of sciatica. Sometimes the pain is felt in the foot. The pain can be significant and intense, depending on how much the sciatic nerve is being pinched.
  • Numbness: Numbness and tingling sensations are also a common symptom, since the nerve is being pressured and the communication system of the nerve is being blocked or hampered.
  • Loss of balance: Pregnant women regularly report losing their balances and a momentary loss of control of their legs. This is usually caused by a late-term fetus putting pressure on the sciatic nerve, which then triggers a resulting nerve communication problem in control of the leg. As soon as the pressure is removed, the issue stops.
  • Bowel issues: Loss of lower bowel control does occur in some cases, usually in older patients where the sciatic nerve impacts the lower abdomen and the organs within it.

When to Seek Treatment

If you think you might be suffering from sciatica or are experiencing similar symptoms, it's a good idea to get an accurate diagnosis. Our chiropractor will ask you questions and perform a physical exam to pinpoint the cause of your pain. After a diagnosis, we will create a customized treatment plan to alleviate your pain.

Visit Our Chiropractor in Clermont, FL for Sciatica Pain Relief

At South Lake Wellness & Injury Center in Clermont, FL, our chiropractor will determine if you are suffering from sciatica. We will alleviate your pain and help your body heal. Our chiropractor is happy to answer any questions you have. Call us today to schedule an appointment.


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